Автор: ddantgwyn
Дата: 05-01-25 18:55
lamerko написа:
> СИГУРНИ ли сте, че има ДРАЙВЕРИ?
Да, и вие сте прав.
Не стигнах до края, просто защото не ползвам Windows. Наистина има само firmware и гъл-гъл твърди, че и други хора са имали проблем с този принтер и драйверите за него под по-стари версии на Windows.
In response to Arthur
10-05-2024 11:49 PM
Thanks for the link. That does work however, there are ZERO drivers in that folder for the printer. There are a bunch of firmware updates and I actually did update my 1500 to the latest version 1.0.4 in hopes that it fix my connectivity issues. IT DID NOT. Win 11 does find the printer via USB cable but it has no drivers. Microsoft by default install some random driver which of course is for large paper. I did download the software for the Selphy CP1300 printer and attempted to install it with that software. It fails to find my printer, wireless or USB. I did change the driver for my CP1500 printer to utilize the CP1300 driver but when you try to print a picture you get an error. Says, "Canceling the print job. Printer driver not compatible with connected printer. Choose a printer driver that matches the connected printer and try again."
08-20-2023 04:07 PM
Odd, seems like they don't want to support windows. I tried to install the Morphia Print services and that's a bust for Win11. I tried installing it via wireless network and blue tooth and windows couldn't discover it. Then finally I tried for a USB-C install it found the printer and now it's giving me a driver error. I tried updating the driver through Windows update and no newer driver was found. Okay, now I realize the problem I bought the wrong printer. I should have bought something from Epson, HP, or Brother those guys know how to make printers. Well, live and learn.
In response to Scott465
08-20-2023 04:40 PM
I struggled for a couple of days on this and finally got it working, I had to install it using the USB cord, Windows found the printer and installed it but it couldn't find any drivers for it. Then I unplugged the USB cord and as usual windows couldn't find the printer. So I tried again but this time I left the USB cord plugged into it, with empty drivers. But now on a scan of my wireless network windows was able to find the printer and attach it to my computer via a wireless connection, It installed it as Selphy as if I had two of them. Then I deleted the USB connected Selphy. So now it's installed and it has a driver. It should be this difficult of a process. Anyway, it appears to be working over the wireless network.